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    Vestry Actions November 2015

    11.09.15 | Vestry Actions | by Pam Goddard

    Vestry Actions November 5, 2015  The Vestry met on November 5th, 2015. Their decisions, actions and reports are summarized below – the full minutes are available in the Church Office.  Treasurer’s report – Frank...

      Vestry Actions October 2015

      10.29.15 | Vestry Actions | by Frank Robinson

      VESTRY ACTIONS, AND REPORTS RECEIVED, AT ITS MEETING OCTOBER 8, 2015   Retirement, nomination and election of Clerk. Randy Wight announced that Pat Newton has asked the Vestry to accept her retirement as clerk of the Vestry, and that Pam...

        Vestry Actions August 2015

        09.01.15 | Vestry Actions | by The Vestry

            VESTRY ACTIONS, AND REPORTS RECEIVED, AT ITS MEETING AUGUST 6, 2015   Treasurer’s Report: Dual Macintyre Dual reported receiving a $50,000 bequest from the estate of Bill Hays; St. Paul’s has been notified...

          August 2015 Newsletter

          08.30.15 | Newsletters | by The Vestry

          St. Paul’s Church Newsletter September 2015   White Smoke from the Chimney On Sunday, August 30, Co-Warden Stacey Stuart announced at both services that the Reverend John Tappan Beach had accepted the call to become the 32nd Rector of...
