
Baptisms and Confirmation



Baptism is the first step in membership in the Church. It is a Rite of Christian Initiation and is the first sacrament which welcomes people into the household of God. Therefore, Baptisms are always done in the context of a regular Church service. At St. Paul’s Church they are always a joyous occasion. Baptism is offered for infants, children, and adults.

Please contact the Church Office to obtain an application for baptism and receive a copy of our current baptism policy.




Confirmation is the mature adult affirmation of baptismal vows that were made by parents and godparents on behalf of a child during baptism. The sacrament of Confirmation is always conferred by a bishop with the laying on of hands. An education class is offered for young people who wish to be confirmed and also for adults who wish to be confirmed or to reaffirm their baptism. Adults who have come into the Episcopal Church after being confirmed in another denomination can be formally received into the church by the bishop.

Inquiries about youth and adult confirmation should be directed to the Church Office.