The key to pastoral care at St. Paul’s Church is a team made up of both clergy and lay members. The rector and members of the Pastoral Care Team work together to see that visits are made, flowers are given, and prayers are said. Please let the church know when there is a hospitalization or any other pastoral need.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
Lay Eucharistic Visitors are specially trained to take communion to the sick and homebound members of the parish who cannot attend regular services. They are approved by the rector and are expected to participate in a special one-day training service given by the diocese. They receive communion kits containing the bread and wine that have been blessed at the Sunday service, and proceed to the home of the homebound parishioners as a continuation of that day’s service. They may also conduct a brief service with scripture readings and prayers before the Eucharist. Their ministry is a reminder that the sharing of the Eucharist is the responsibility of the whole Church. There are currently several licensed Lay Eucharistic Visitors at St. Paul’s Church. If you are interested in joining this special ministry, please contact the church office via email or phone 508-228-0916.
Befrienders are lay men and women who are interested in practicing their faith in a ministry to those around them. A Befriender is a person who brings Christ’s love to those who are ill, homebound, lonely, grieving, new to St. Paul’s Church, new parents, or in need of companionship.
After an introduction that emphasizes listening skills and supportive caring skills, Befrienders will be offered a variety of ways to serve, such as making home visits, phone calls, hospital or assisted living facility visits, sending cards, providing a meal, doing errands, delivering flowers, or providing respite for an hour or two to a family member caring for a loved one.
If you know of anyone in need of the services of the Befrienders, or if you are interested in participating in this rewarding ministry, please contact Sister Susanna Margaret or 508-332-9823 or the Church Office, 508-228-0916.
Flower Delivery
Each week, the Sunday altar flowers are broken down into smaller bouquets and delivered to those in the community who are ill, housebound, need cheering, or are to be thanked for extraordinary service. This ministry is done either after the Sunday service or at a time more convenient for the volunteer.
To learn more about helping with arranging and delivering flowers, please contact the Church Office, 508-228-0916.