

The Fellowship Committee

Fellowship at St. Paul’s Church is responsible for bringing the Parish together in organized non-liturgical settings. This increases the interchange among Parish members, while providing a social setting in which new and interested Parish members can meet with existing members. It also provides for improved communication, an opportunity for the exchange of ideas, and is a great way to meet each other.

The committee members are responsible for arranging and managing a series of social settings that range from post-service coffee hour to small dinners held in Parishioners homes.  Sundae Sundays, afternoon teas at Sherburne Commons, and the Pre-Mardi Gras dinners.

Please contact Penny Macintyre or the Church Office for more information.


Shepherds is our parish ministry to welcome the newcomer. It is our hope, that through the outreach of a member of this ministry, the newcomer will be more fully welcomed into the parish community, meet new friends here, and make the decision to become a member of St. Paul’s Church. Shepherds serve as guides for newcomers, helping them to find their way into the common life of the St. Paul’s Church community and answering any questions they may have. We would welcome your participation in this ministry.

Please contact Sister Susanna Margaret or the Church Office for more information.